Making an impression takes more than just sending releases over the wire or writing persuasive product descriptions. Often
it means hitting the pavement, creating events to catch the public eye, and even fighting for a great story to be heard.
I spend lots of time interacting with people at events, fairs, briefings, interviews and other opportunities that allow me
to tell the great stories that often get lost in the paper clutter. I have lead tours groups, held press briefings and been
interviewed by broadcast news organizations. I'm not afraid to use grassroots tactics to make things happen.
Can the other candidates say that they...
Lead a tour of 40 elementary school kids and their parents through a grocery store without losing his/her cool?
Interviewed a major UK DJ in San Francisco at 1am and then turned in the full article with photos by 9am that same
Turned a no-budget, one press-release campaign into a cover story in the San Jose Mercury News "Drive" section?