Fisher-Price "Sweet Streets" Post Office

This is a cute item that could easily get past a collector who doesn't pick through the toy store carefully. We got this for
a mere $4.99 at Target. It is a post office complete with mail box, two packages and a mailman. His delivery scooter is beige
and has a cute box on back for carrying packages. Unfortunately, the mailman's legs do not bend, so he either rides standing
up or stands next to it and looks pretty. This is part of the "Loving Family" line which includes a doll house,
several stores, room furnishing sets and many different families. It is rated for ages 3+ and is a cute addition to your collection.
The post office is about 5-inches tall. The mailman and scooter are made of softer plastic, but should hold up well to play.
However, it would probably be gone in a few seconds if left with a dog. The actual colors are a bit more brighter than these
photos show.
Rock 'n Roller Bear Postcard

We found this postcard by accident at a high-falootin' grocery /houseware store in San Mateo, CA. For 99 cents each we grabbed
half a dozen because they were so darned cute.
This glossy postcard features a cute brown bear with a mini-striped helmet and goggles riding a fenderlight scooter. It looks
like a early Vespa, but the lego is on the wrong side and there is a suspicious power cord trailing behind. No matter- you
can order your own from the German company that publishes it. Click on the photo to view the site, which is in German, but
has a translated mirror-site.