While some mucho-macho motorcycle guys may joke that scooters are "only for girls" the truth is that the scootering
world is just as skewed towards men. However, more gals are choosing to take up scootering each day. This site is dedicated
to encouraging gals to explore their uniqueness on two-wheels.
This online zine covers the gals, the machines, and related news on scootering. Look for rider and bike profiles, rally reviews,
new developments, product reviews and much more. Feel free to write us about your experiences as a scooter gal or to give
us feedback on what you see, here.
What you won't find here are cheesecake or nude photos, porn or any of the unsavory stuff you can find elsewhere on the
Internet. Just the news! Although, you might be able to get us to divulge where else you can find the nasty stuff, but it
will cost you a beer!
Greetings, ScooterGals!
I know, I know it has been virtually FOREVER since I had an update to this site. I appreiate all the visitors and positive
emails I've received. I'm really, really, really trying to make some time to update it. My duties as Managing Editor at Scoot!
Magazine keep me super busy, but hopefully the slower holiday season will provide some time for ScoterGal Confidential.
Have you been to any great scooter rallies this season? I went to some, but missed a lot of others that were on my calendar.
I'm pleased to see that the acceptance of automatic scooters is growing in the traditional scootering communty. I am really
hoping that the traditional and modern scootr groups an get together and envigorate the community. More fun events, greater
benefits, and a sharing of knowledge.