How did you get started in scootering? My ex-boyfriend had the Allstate sitting in his yard leaning against a shed
the whole time we dated. He had bought it from some guy for $50. I had no idea what it was, I just knew that I really liked
it. When we broke up I asked him if I can buy the scooter and he just gave it to me since he never thought he'd do anything
with it. There wasn't a big scooter scene in Denver at the time, and I certainly wasn't online then, so I didn't realize there
was a scootering scene anywhere! I didn't know how to get parts for it because I didn't know any scooter shops existed. I
even called Sears Department Store to see if they can help me (hahaa). I ended up calling around to used motorcycle shops--
one of the shops got me in touch with someone into scooters, and it's all downhill from there!
Are you in any scooter clubs? Member of the VCOA or AMA? I have been a VCOA member for 10 years. I joined as soon
as I found out about the club. Jedi Knights SC- Denver Chapter. DCD - Denver City Denver, but that's not actually a club---we're
just a group of friends!
What's the best part of scootering for you? The best part of scootering is definitely the community. A lot of times
it's like instant friendship.... People open their homes up to complete strangers just because they have a scooter. I've always
been very impressed with the extent scooterists will go to help one another.
Any scooter-related goals for 2003? To help make Denver's Mile High Mayhem scooter rally fantastic. The agenda
is up at
Have you gone out of state or out of the country for a rally? I've been going out of state to rally's for about
8 years. Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Arizona, Illinois, Oklahoma, and I am heading to Georgia next week
for Amerivespa. I have not gone out of the country for a rally, however, I was in Ireland for a wedding last September and
there happened to be a rally going on in Northern Ireland (Gathering of the Clans), so we drove up and spent the weekend.
One of the Scottish people we met there came out to the Las Vegas rally this year, so it was fun to be able to see him again.
Any advice for novice scootergals? There's really no advice to give anyone, just treat scootering like you should
treat other aspects of your life-- be yourself and have fun.
Do you have any non-scooter related obsessions or collections? I love going to the thrift stores to find fifties/sixties
stuff. Lamps, dishes, chairs, tables, clocks, etc..... I'll go to the *deco* stores or ebay if I'm looking for something real
specific, but I really enjoy going to the second hand stores because finding it is half the fun.

Homemaker, just kidding- I am recently unemployed.
Years Scootering
Scooter Models in Collection:
'64 Allstate
'74 Rally 200
'78 Li 150 Servetta