Bon Bon Postcard Set

Bon Bon is a fast-growing industry for Cosmic Debris (makers of
Emily the surly baby-goth). I first saw t-shirts with Bon Bon riding a scooter, posing with a Union Jack Mini Cooper and other
cool, Anglo-stuff. Bon Bon now has her own postcard collection. 30 cards for a mere $8.95. On the sight they are listed
as $9, so shop around. We got ours at Borders.
The cards are procuded by Chronicle Books and are at the same high-quality standards as most of their
products. The cheerful, pop-inspired cards are mostly red,white and blue. Bon Bon is in various scenes, so you may want to
keep the scooter one for you and send the other cool ones to friends. The box it comes in makes a nice additon to your display
case. The easy price makes it a cool gift for other scoot-a-philes.You can click on the pic to the right and go to the Official
BonBon-a-Go-Go site.
"Grazie" Thank You Note Cards

Personally, I can't stand "Thank You" notes that companies imprint ahead of time. I love to send cards for any reason,
so I don't want to be shoe-horned with a card for one use. Despite my prejudice, I like these cards. Since they
say it in Italian, it seems more like part of the graphic and less of a greeting.
The cards are printed on cream-colored textured stock. The graphic is muted but the enthusiasm of the scootergals is
not diminished. I've heard reports that there is a calendar circuating with the same picture, but I haven't found it for sale.
The price is a reasonable $9.95 for 10 cards. Makes a great gift for your scooter friends or a good way to thank fellow scooterists
for letting you crash on thier floor at rallies.
French Kitty Goes to Paris Book

French Kitty says, "Le Miew!" |
Another extension of brand marketing is the new book from Fine about one of their characters, French Kitty. This short book
is a good way to introduce young kids to the French language. French Kitty decides to take a shopping trip to Paris with her
bird pet. They visit a salon and do some hat shopping. Kitty gets a ride on the back of a cute tom-cat's Vespa.
The brief book is black with bold, line drawings. French vocabulary words are peppered throughout and there is a glossary
to review at the end. A nice addition to a scooter collector's stash. Also a way to start inculcating your young ones about
scooters and "frantch" culture. Retails at $12.95, get it at Amazon for $10.36.
Post-It Notes and Page Markers

Post-It has released some items that have a European theme. The Notes (3x3in) and Page Markers (7/8 x 2 7/8 in) have women
drinking coffee, a woman on a bike, a lady with her poodle and a scarf-wearing gal in a striped shirt scooting. I have included
a scan of the larger note. We found these at Target (mais oui!) for about $1.99 each. The scooter notes have the word "Ciao"
on them, while the other have French words & phrases such as "Oh la la!" and "Bonjour." A cheap way
to show your scooter-amour!
A great add-on item for a friend's gift basket, or a cool thing to write notes on when selling scooter stuff on ebay.
Keep scouring Target, they seem to have a geat selection of scooter stuff!