"Bella Luna" CD compilation from Hear Music

I spotted this CD while waiting for a frappucino in my nearby Starbucks. The cool 60's-ish artwork of a swinging guy &
gal on a scooter with a bunch of scooterkids in turtlenecks and blazers or cocktail dresses, grabbed me instantly. Because
I'm such a rabid collector, I snapped it up and decided to read the fins print while in line to buy. Bella Luna s a delightful
blend of cool and stereotype as it combines they typical 50s and 60s "Italian Music" which could have been plucked
form the "Godfather" films or from "Big Night." There are some givens such as "O Sole Mio" by
Mario Lanza and "Buona Sera" from the Louis Prima orchestra, but there are some surprises such as "The Good,
The Bad and the Ugly" which fits in the timeframe, but isn't the swinging lounge tune I expected. Also included are more
jazzy tunes such as "Sotto Le Stelle Del Jazz" from Paolo Conte. Crisp liner notes highlight points of the 13 songs
on the disk. The illustrator did a great job exploiting the tri-fold cardboard CD case and which opens to a wraparound line
of cool scoots. A great addition to your collection, and fun to display, this CD cost $15 at Starbucks. I checked the Hear
Music site, but didn't find it listed. Hear music has 3 locations in California and one in Seattle, but you can try your nearby
Starbucks (all 183 of 'em or so) for a copy of this cool CD. Makes a great Christmas or Hanukkah gift!
Jordi Labanda Notebooks

Boy, what I do for my readers! I was in a local beauty supply place and as I perused the nail polish, I came upon these two
notepads with a "Lambrespa" on them. This uber-cute couple is riding helmet-less down the road on a scooter inscribed
"Love" instead of Vespa. How cute! One pad is spiral-bound with a hologram-ish cover which looks kinda 3-D. The
other has the same illustration with a pink background and a fold-over cover similar to a matchbook. The books come from Spain
and retailed at $5.99(spiral) and $2.99. I was trying to decide which to get and because I wanted to share both of them with
you, I got them both! I have also seen this same graphic on two purses on various websites for between $54 -$70. I'm still
looking around for the best price on the purses. How often will I use some 3x5 inch notebooks? Who knows but they're cute
and make equally cute & frugal gifts for your scooter friends The $2.99 one with pink background is a shoe-in for next
year's Valentines day gifts.
Furio Scooter Photo Album

This scooter collectible was brought to my attention by one of our readers, Trina P. Thanks, Trina. This photo album, available
at Target (do a bunch of old scooterist work as buyers there, or what?). I cant remember what I paid for it, since I had a
$100 gift certificate and bougght so much stuff I had to pitch in $9 of my own money to cover it. Regardless, I am sure it
was very affordable, it is Target after all. The photo album is pink with the photo of 2 skinny folks riding a new blue Vespa.
Bu the way it is hauling them & their bag of euro-booty I imagine it is an ET4. Teee-hee. Inside are 51 pages of photo
holders, which hold 204 4x6 in photos. It has a 3-ring binder mounting, so you could use it for something else if you had
a hole punch.