SG: How did you get started in scootering?
An old employee of mine, Erica, kept asking me to come out to these meetings with her. Since I was her boss, I did not think
it would be such a great idea. Finally, one night I gave in, went to a benefit for a girl in Seattle who had caner, it was
put on by her friends who happen to mostly be scooterist. It was a great night and what such amazing people to put on such
an event for one of their friends. From there, I starting going to the weekly R-Gang meetings, sat on my first Vespa and
feel in love.
SG: You live in Portland, which seems to be the next scootering mecca. What makes the scene there so conducive to scootering?
I think that it seems to be that way because when people come here for Rallys they have such an amazing time, its makes them
want to come here and stay. Everyone in the scene is very tight knit and very protective of each other. It is nice to be
part of that, visitors can feel that. As far as riding in Portland, it is very beautiful and does not take long to get out
of town and be in some amazing places.
SG: Are you in any scooter clubs?
* R-Gang SC-Seattle Washington founded by Thom Sullivan and Chris Cox
* Belladonna's-Seattle Washington founded by Erica, Carrie and my self
* VCOS-Vespa Club of Seattle
R-Gang was the first club in my life that I joined. I am typically not a joiner, but one drunken day in Victoria changed
all that. Well, sort of, I probably wont be joining any clubs from here on out unless it's just a knitting club.
SG: What is the best part of scootering for you?
Riding and learning how to rebuild/fix my scooter all by my self!
SG: Any scooter-related goals for 2004?
Make the 90 fast and pretty.
SG: How far have you traveled for a rally?
That would be your neighborhood. San Jose. On the other hand, Vegas, depends on how you look at it. SG: Do you have
a "favorite" rally?
It would have to be Run from the Sun, put on by Top Dead Center SC out of Eugene. That group is so amazing. It is camping
on the ocean, everything is free, and the ride out is fantastic. If you have never attended, I highly suggest you make it
next year. SG: Any advice for novice scooter gals?
Remember that scootering does not have to be your life.
Just because you own a scooter does not instantly make you cool or liked by all.
Learn to work on your own bike.
Learn that riding in the rain is not all that bad.
Do it because you love it not because you think it is the cool or hip thing to do.
Ride damn-it!
SG: Do you have any non-scooter related obsessions
or collections?
SG: What is your scooter-related guilty pleasure?
Hum. Guess!